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Boutique en ligne » Cannes / Moulinets » Cannes » Bouée/Flotteur sous-marin » MADCAT GREEN PELLET 10'2"/3.10M 200-400G 2SEC

MADCAT GREEN PELLET 10'2"/3.10M 200-400G 2SEC

71097 MADCAT GREEN PELLET 10'2"/3.10M 200-400G 2SEC

MADCAT GREEN PELLET As catfishing evolves, so does MADCAT. The new Green Pellet rod is no longer 3.60m long, but now 3.10m. The reason? Pellet fishing is no longer done carp style – the rods are now mostly placed standing up in a tripod. That way the line is lifted higher out of the water to reduce the risk of the line getting snagged. Another advantage is that the shorter rod length makes playing fish from a boat a lot easier and much more fun. Built with an original Fuji DPS reel seat.

€ 126,00

Disponible - Inventaire: 2

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